Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sundays in Belgium

After an already busy weekend, I decided to take it easy today. A fellow American expat who has been out here for almost a year showed me around town a little more. We walked down to the weekly open market, where hundreds of vendors pulled up their trucks to sell everything you could imagine....from food to furniture to DVDs. The whole town was empty except for these four or five streets where thousands of people gathered to shop. There were musicians and even a little old guy with a 100 year old music box to entertain the crowd. We dropped a Euro in his cup, and he gave us a huge yellow toothless smile.

After that, I came back to the hotel and have spent the rest of the day filling out more paperwork. I won't go into all the details, but the amount of hoops I have to jump through is incredible. There are tons of forms to fill out, and they all have to be done in a certain order. The worst part is that if you ask 5 people what the procedure is, you will get 5 different answers. I'm going to write a book on this when I'm done...I would have paid a fortune for something like that when I came out here.


Rob said...

"he gave us a huge yellow toothless smile"

I don't understand. How was his smile yellow if it was toothless? Were his gums yellow???

Keith said...

Ok, half-toothless. :)