Wednesday, February 27, 2008

On a Quest

Well I am finally here with Keith. Bailey and I had a pretty uneventful trip, thanks to so many of you at home that helped us get here. The team of family members getting me to the airport was awesome. Bailey seemed to handle the trip well, although she was clearly exhausted so I doubt she slept much on the plane. Obviously the best part of the trip was being reunited with Keith.

Our quest began not long after I arrived, Keith explained to me that we need special trash bags for putting the garbage at the curb. So as we shopped on Saturday for various household furnishings at Carefore (grungier version of a super walmart) we searched for these special bags. Mind you, there are shelves of trash bags, but not the specific region coded bags that we need. Our land lady said you just ask for "Sac Poubelle", which we soon discovered is the name of ALL trash bags, again not the special region coded bags. So we left Carefore unable to find the elusive bags. I was beginning to believe Keith had been misled about these bags, how can they be required but not found in any store????

As Keith mentioned earlier, everything is closed on Sunday so our quest would have to wait until Monday after work. We shifted our focus to getting me prepared to drive. It's actually not nearly as scary as I would have thought, but will take some getting use to. The street we live on is pretty cute, I plan to do some exploring later today to check it out more. And you'll all be happy to hear, I was able to get the washing machine's display to change to English. Sadly it still doesn't make a lot of sense!

On with our quest. Monday evening we made a mad dash to the local grocery store (they close at 6:30) and again we faced a big wall of trash bags, none of which were the right ones. Dejected, we made our way to the register and we spotted them! BAGS! Tucked away under the check out counter..... our land lady was right, you have to ask for the bags. Duh, doesn't everyone know that bags are under the counter? Our quest for garbage bags is complete! Now lets just hope they pick them up :)


Brenda said...

Glad to hear you made it their safely!


Rob said...

Happy Birthday Keith.

Now about these trash bags...

Hmmm... forgot what I was going to say.