Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Getting Settled

Last night I moved into our new Belgian home. The first step was to get my Internet connection up and running. I went through their setup CD (thankfully it had an English version) only to realize that I forgot my password back at my coworkers apartment. On the way to his place I was stuck in accident traffic, so a 7 km drive took well over an hour. Fortunately, when I finally got back, the setup went smoothly and I now have a connection that seems even faster than my cable modem back home. It's not cheap though, almost 60 Euro / month.

By the time I was done with that, I was ready for bed. I had notice that it was getting quite cold in the house, but I turned the thermostat way up and figured that the old style radiator heat just took a little while to warm up. I was wrong. I woke up at about 1:30 in the morning and the house was 48 degrees. I spent about an hour trying to get the heat to work, but nothing seemed to happen. I put on several sweaters and my hat, and then covered my bed in all of the clothes from my suitcase. It didn't help. I was awake all night freezing to death. When it was time to get ready for work, I had a runny nose and a headache, and had barely slept all night, so I took a sick day. I hated to do it, but I just couldn't funtion on that little sleep.

After about 2 hours worth of work, I finally figured out how to get the heat to work. I had to go into the garage where there is an enormous oil tank (the whole garage reeks of oil) and a furnace of some sort. There are several buttons and knobs on it, but none of them seemed to get the heat going. Finally I started randomly turning valves in desparation and the heat kicked in. So tonight I will head to bed early and be nice and toasty.

One more anecdote from the new place came with a brand new washer and dryer. They're very nice and all digital. The problem is that the screen is in French, so I have no idea what it's doing to my clothes right now. After 20 minutes of playing with the screen, I finally got it to start...hopefully I selected "clean" and not "destory".


Wes said...

What is really funny is that knob you turned was the setting for the super inefficient cycle but don't worry you'll figure it out when you get your heating bill. And you thought the internet connection was expensive.

Wes said...

Oh yeah....need more pictures!
Seriously...what are you doing over there?

Anonymous said...

Hey - 48 degrees? Brenda would say it was just like out College Park apartment :-) hahaha

Glad to hear you are moved in and are nice and toasty now! Hope you are enjoying having the misses and Bailey back with you!

Gill is doing well!

Rob said...

I'd leave the washer and drier in french. If you turn it to english it will probably destroy your clothes on purpose.