Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wally World

Last weekend we decided to take a break from sightseeing and do something Amercian...go to an amusement park! The place is called Walibi World, and it's about 45 minutes from our house. We weren't really sure what to expect, but it turned out to be a lot of fun. To start, the weather couldn't have been better. It was 26 degrees (that's almost 80 to you American types) and not a cloud in the sky. (On a side note, both Saturday and Sunday were like this...then the clouds came in Sunday night and it hasn't stopped raining or broken 55 degrees since...ahh Belgium)

The park isn't very large, probably half the size of King's Dominion, but it has plenty of stuff to keep you busy for the day. We started off on the wooden roller coaster. They are very proud of this ride and are quick to tell you that it's the only wooden coaster in Belgium. It sounds impressive at first, but I have to wonder how many amusement parks Belgium has...I'm guessing one. The first thing we noticed was that the cars were spacious and had nice padded seats. It was as comfortable as our car! The rides in general aren't quite as impressive as King's Dominion, but a lot of fun just the same. The had a log flume that actually rotated you twice during the ride, so sometimes you were going backwards down the hills. They also had a white water canyon ride (that broke down as we were on it...the water drained out just after we got off), a laser tag type ride, and a huge coaster that was a lot like a ski lift.

The park itself is clean and quite beautiful. There is a nice lake in the middle with rides and attractions surrounding it. Even if it didn't have the rides it would still be a nice place to spend a Sunday afternoon strolling around. Overall, it was just a really pleasant day. We will certainly be returning to Walibi World this summer.


Brenda said...

These excerpts are not nearly frequent enough. We want more! Don't take lack of comments for interest...this thing is hard to comment on...I can never remember my password.

Elizabeth said...

Sorry, we've been busy with travel and guests and are behind on our posts. Keith had two days off and then my parents arrived so we will have a lot to update the post with soon! Thanks for the interest, glad to hear that people are reading!!!

Rob said...

The only thing that came to my mind when I read this was "Big Ben, Parliment"