Belgium is well known for its beer, and I now see why. We have been sampling many different types since we've been out here and found almost none that I don't like...and quite a few that are just amazing. The Belgians are clearly very proud of their beer and they take it very seriously. In fact, they take it so seriously that every, and I mean EVERY, beer out here comes in a matching glass. If you order a Mardesous, it comes in a special Mardesous glass. If you order a St. Fuillon, it also has its own glass. Every beer glass type is different, both in shape and decoration, and absolutely no place will serve you a beer in a generic glass. This even holds true for the cafeteria in my office. What I want to know is what happens when too many people in a bar are drinking Mardesous and they run out of those glasses...I truly think that they would make you order a different beer, or wait until someone else was done with their glass. You can purchase many of the glasses in the local Carrefour, so I'm starting to build my collection.
I wonder why they serve all the beers in different glasses. They do it at the better belgium beer places here too. I think its a gov't conspiracy to support the glass making industry. Where is my special glass for '<'Insert Lite Beer Here'>'? It wouldn't really matter because my VT cozi would cover it up anyways.
After seeing the way the Belgian government works, I would guess that the make the glasses mandatory and then charge tax to purchase them.
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