Sunday, May 3, 2009

Schaffer Visit

We’ve got the European whirlwind tour down to a science, just ask the Schaffer’s.  We jam packed our visit with Keith’s dad and Peggy with all sorts of European fun.  After the obligatory nap upon arrival (probably the only real rest they got while they were here), we headed out to the local cheese lady.  She normally is closed on Thursdays but was kind enough to open for us, and we of course made it worth her while by purchasing ten pounds of cheese!  Once Keith got home from work we all sat down with some wine and cheese as we watched a bit of an amazing slideshow they created for Keith.  They had scanned in and organized every photo they own relating to Keith, pictures of his grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc., all in chronological order.  It was pretty incredible!  Although it difficult to pull ourselves away from the thoughtful gift, we ended the evening in Mons with dinner at the famous Steak on a Rock.  

On Friday we headed out for a day trip to Monschau Germany, just one of those adorable towns to stroll through on a beautiful Spring day.  It was in this picturesque town that we learned of Jim’s interest in making pictures into jigsaw puzzles.  It’s amazing how many things you come across; flowers, old buildings and window displays that make for great jigsaw puzzle pictures! 

Most of our traveling was done over Saturday and Sunday when we headed to the Netherlands.  Keith and I are both agreed that we would love to retire in the Netherlands, the people are amazing, the Country is truly beautiful and for some reason you just feel relaxed, even when you are running around.  We spent Saturday wandering Amsterdam, from the red-light district to the flower market, to a beautiful canal ride.  Keith and I were excited on Sunday to return to the Keukenhof gardens.  The arrangements of flowers are spectacular, and seem never ending. It’s even more amazing that they change the layouts every year, so it was all new to us, despite having gone last year.  The heavy rain was kind enough to hold off until we were leaving the Gardens.  On our way home we decided to hit the highlights of Brussels including the Atomium, the Grand Place, and of course the Delirium bar with the 2004 Guinness Record of the largest number of beers in available.

Monday Keith went back to work and we headed to Brugge.  Not much new to add about Brugge since I’ve been so many times, other than it remains one of those cities that I love to go to over and over.  I never tire of the canal ride, or the chocolate shops!  We ended their last day here with dinner at a local restaurant and a few Belgian beers back at the house.  We still can’t believe we managed to see so many things in such a short amount of time, gotta love Europe! 

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