Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cheese Lady

Yesterday Keith had off for Armistice Day, marking the end of WWI. We were pretty happy to have a day to take it easy; we've obviously been on the go with the cruise and Mike's visit. As part of our day of chill we decided to check out a farm nearby that someone at the base told me about. The farm is own by a woman and her husband that make cheeses. We took some of the craziest one lane roads, winding through fields of cows and sheep, thank goodness for the GPS, I don't think we would have found it without it. The whole thing was so awesome. This was one of those unique experiences that makes living here really cool. Thea Oostendorp owns the farm and hand makes the cheeses from milk produced by their own organic cows. The cheeses are amazing, she has garlic, Italian spices, peppers, beer, nettles, plain... and so many more. After taste testing almost all of her cheeses, Keith and I bought a bunch of different flavors, our only regret.....not buying more. We both thought this unique experience was going to cost us a bundle, but were completely shocked at how cheap it all was. It was significantly cheaper than the grocery store, and so much better. Guess it just means we'll have to go back soon! Although not a glamorous destination, still one of the neatest things we've done while living here.

1 comment:

katarina said...

is there a link or an address?