Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fancy a day in Paris?

Two years ago we spent our honeymoon in Paris, so for our anniversary we thought we would go back for the day to celebrate. We took the high speed train, the Thalys, from the train station about ten minutes from our house. We were in Paris an hour and fifteen minutes later. The entire day was a super chill trip, we did zero planning, didn't take a guide book or a map, and figured we'd just figure it out as we went along.

From the train station we took the metro to the Louvre. We didn't go in, did that last time, but took in the views. We walked through the parks just in front, watching the kids play with little sail boats in the ponds and riding pony's. We walked our way out to the Seine and walked along the river up to the Eiffel tower. Since it was a gorgeous day, it was no surprise that the lines were crazy long but we had no intention of going up anyway. We grabbed a quick sandwich before taking a boat ride down the Seine. Unfortunately without a cloud in the sky the trip was pretty hot and not quite as relaxing as we would have hoped, but still a great way to see the city. We both preferred the trip at night, getting to see the city all lit up. We got off the boat and walked up the Champs Eleyses toward the Arc de Triomphe. We stopped a couple of times along the way to sit in a park and at a cafe for a break from the heat.

After checking out the Arc we took the metro over to the Trocadero and found one our favorite cafe's from our honeymoon. We got a table right in front with a great view of the Eiffel tower. Sure two beers were 12 Euro, about $20, and our dinner was silly expensive but it didn't matter we had a great time just people watching. The fashion, the personal interactions, the cars, are all so fantastic that you can spend ours just observing. Sitting there we talked about how blessed we feel. It was just two years ago that we talked about how cool it would be if we could live abroad, never did we believe that it would actually happen. We are so excited to have been given this awesome opportunity. We made our way back to the train station and were back home by 10:00pm. Pretty cool that Paris is an easy day trip!

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