Saturday, June 28, 2008

Summertime in Belgium

Summer in Belgium is an interesting time. First, let me say that the weather, at least so far, is perfect. The average day is about 72 and sunny. One day per week is usually cloudy with a little rain, usually in the upper 60's, but most of the time it's beautiful. I always wondered why America never had the outdoor cafes like they do here and now I realize that it's due to the weather. The entire summer is cool enough to sit outside comfortably, unlike D.C. where just sitting outside will make you sweat.

The wonderful weather does come at a small price, however...the sun never seems to set. The sun rises around 5:30 in the morning and sets around 10:15 at night. Just to demonstrate the point, this picture was taken outside our house at 10:00 pm a few nights ago...

This one at 10:30...

It took us a while to be able to sleep when it's light out, but we're slowly getting used to it...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's crazy! I love the summer when the sun sets late, but that is a little ridiculous. :)