Sunday, March 9, 2008

Brussles Trip Two

There it is, the picture you all have been waiting for, me devouring a Liege waffle in Brussels yesterday. Go ahead, make your best waffle jokes. More pictures are on the website now too.

For our first out of Mons experience together, we took the train up to Brussels. Of course step one was to get a waffle, so Elizabeth and I split the chocolate covered, 10,000 calorie delicacy that you see pictured here. As always in Belgium, it was fantastic.

After our morning waffle, we walked over to the Grand Place. Unfortunately they were in the process of removing a stage and giant tent from the center of the square, presumably from some event on Friday night. It really ruined the view, so we'll just have to go back soon so Elizabeth can get the full ambiance there. Despite the slightly tarnished view, we did the touristy thing and had lunch at a little restaurant in the square. We sat up on the second floor where there was a nice view of the square and had a sandwich and yet another new delicious Belgian beer.

It was quite chilly yesterday so we decided to take one of the tour buses around town instead of the walking tour. Well, just before we started out, they pulled back the roof of the bus so we could get a better view. Very thoughtful of them, but we were freezing! Anyway, the bus drove us around the city for about an hour and half and we got a quick overview of the city. We found several things that we plan to explore in more detail on a later trip, especially the Atomium (the giant silver atom in the pictures). Apparently you can go to the top and get an amazing view of all of Brussels, and near the base is Mini-Europe where the have scale models of all of the famous structures in Europe. Very cool.

We're going to spend some time this afternoon planning our next trip. I have a four day weekend around Easter in a few weeks, so maybe we'll do Amsterdam or something...
so many places to see!


Rob said...

I'm a little jealous and I want one of those waffles you are eating. It looks just a little bit better than my eggo. You guys are starting to look a bit European already. I'd be carefull, we wouldn't want that to happen.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm, waffles... I have been preparing myself and eating a boatload of Belgium chocolate. It is truly from Belgium because all the nutrition is in another language and I have no clue what I am eating :-)